I am going to ask you a rather odd question, given that you
have opened up my Nailing Post blog and are reading it: Is content marketing
dead? Has the posting of not only blogs, but videos and podcasts reached their
zenith and are in the process of falling back to earth as a marketing tool? Has
the allure of search-engine marketing combined with AI, where digital listening
ears take us directly to the products we have talked about, taken the place of
posted content? Here is my answer: no, and here is my reasoning.
I have been writing the Nailing Post marketing blog once a
week for nearly 15 years. Here is what I have learned about the power of
content marketing. First, it is a tool that does two things for me: it connects
me to people who I have not previously met and it lends credibility to my brand.
Second, people still follow it if it is well done. There’s the catch – just like
anything else you do in marketing, it has to be something valuable and produced
at a level worthy of my time.
Let me delve into the first benefit – it connects my brand
to people. Any good bit of marketing will connect you with people. You can pick
your medium and they all will engage people with your brand. The question is,
are they the right people? I was meeting with a client recently and we were
going through some website analytics. He was quite proud of the number of
people accessing his website. As we looked a little deeper at who those people
were, he found that most of them were not located where he was selling his
services. In fact, a good portion of them were not even in the same country as
he was and all of his sales were within a 100-mile radius of his physical
location. The value of content marketing is that it connects you with the right
people, not those who will never consider doing business with you. It weeds out
those who have no interest in you. How am I so confident that content marketing
finds the right people? Simply stated, we have choices that influence our
decisions. Because there are a lot of choices in what we look at, people simply
will not waste their time reading a post, watching a video or listening to
audio files when they have no interest in them. That means the people who do
take the time to read, watch or listen are the people you should be targeting.
The second benefit of content marketing is it lends
credibility to your brand. There is nothing like showing your target market
what you can do. It is one of the most powerful pieces of marketing you will
ever do. It tells them you know what you are doing and are not some
fly-by-night operation that will be shut down the next time they need you.
Content marketing builds trust in your brand. That is key to keeping customers
happy and returning for more sales – what we call retention marketing.
Is content marketing dead? No, it is still a very viable way
to gain the faith of customers and keep them coming back to you again and
again. You are proof it works, because you read this blog all the way to the