The capacity to revere yourself as a genuinely good person. Valuing yourself is accepting yourself as the way you are. Self-regard is the capacity to be thankful for your apparent positive facets, as well as the negative facets, and still appreciate yourself. Individuals with strong self-regard know their assets and faults and feel relatively good about themselves, they have no trouble openly recognizing mistakes, or if they are wrong. One’s self-regard is based upon a strong awareness of character. At the other end of the spectrum are feelings of personal incompetence.

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Self-regard takes a look in the mirror and has confidence in the person looking back.

Case Studies

Beth is having dinner with her sister, the highly critical and unattainable Alice. In her wake, Alice has ruined multiple relationships in her acidic attempts to get people to perform at her level. Beth is embarrassed by her sister’s behavior. See what happens over dinner conversation. Click to begin.