The capacity to recognize and characterize problems along with creating and placing effective solutions. Problem-solving includes the capacity to go through phases, starting with 1)seeing a problem and being able to deal with it positively and effectively; 2) identifying the problem clearly; 3) finding a bevy of possible solutions; 4) deciding to use one of the solutions; 5) evaluating the outcome of the solution; and 6) continuing this process if the problem is not solved.

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Just as a math equation can be written out, studied, discussed and answered, so problem-solving takes a systematic approach to resolve issues.
Podcast Case Studies


Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes
Purpose: To recognize the importance of perseverance in problem solving.
The Process
Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes
Purpose: To introduce a systematic approach to problem solving.
Unresolved Problems
Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes
Purpose: To explore the effects of unresolved problems.