The capacity to be aware of, sensitive to, and comprehend the feelings, thoughts and experiences of another. Empathy is being sensitive to all aspects; what, how and why people feel and think the way they do. It is the ability to put thoughts into words concerning the other person’s perspective in a non-judgmental way, even if you may not agree with their perspective. To be empathetic takes an emotional commitment of caring about the person, situation, or problem.

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When you empathize with someone, you put yourself in their shoes, even if the shoes don't fit.

Case Studies

Janet heads the training and development group at a Fortune 500 company. Curt and precise, she feels the pressure to perform and put on a good face for the company. Then one of the men she supervises goes around her to report a death in his family and ask for time off… from her boss! See how she handles the situation. Click to begin.